TEL: 02155422791
لوگوی سیم بکسل تکین بکسل

Wire rope Sling

Wire rope SlingWire rope sling اسلینگ سیم بکسل is a type of lifting instrument that along side of steel wire rope and webbing slings complete the lifting tools triangle. wire rope slings are manufactured using different methods to shape an eye on both ends of wire rope. the most common ways to produce wire rope slings اسلینگ سیم بکسل are pressing or using sockets on both ends. Takin boxel Co. is a major distributor and producer of wire rope slings in Iran.

6X36 Pressed wire rope sling

6X36 Pressed wire rope sling

Socket wire rope sling

Socket wire rope sling

6X37 wire rope sling

6X37 wire rope sling
Single leg wire rope sling  PressedSingle leg wire rope sling
Weaved wire rope sling  WeavedWeaved wire rope sling
2 leg wire rope sling  Pressed2 leg wire rope sling
4 Legged wire rope sling  Pressed4 Legged wire rope sling
تکین بکسل

TEL : 02155422791
Email: info [at] takinboxel [dot] ir
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