TEL: 02155422791
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TurnbuckleTurnbuckle مهارکش is a type of mechanical tool that is used in order to increase the tension of connection for wire rope or chain. There are many different combinations of turnbuckles from rings, sockets, hooks, with two-hook hooks, one-ring hooks, two-ring hooks and two-socket hooks, which are more widely used in industry. The price of the braces, in addition to the size, is largely influenced by the material used in them, and from this point of view, the price of the steel brace is higher than the steel brace. The size of the restraint is selected according to the size of the chain and tow wire. Of course, the turnbuckles also have tonnage specifications and their selection can be done according to the tensile strength of the restraint. Tekin Baxel is an importer of all types of harnesses up to 250 tons in Iran.

Carbon steel turnbuckle

Carbon steel turnbuckle

Closed body turnbuckle

Closed body turnbuckle is available in both grades of stainless steel and carbon steel and each are suitable for certain applications. Closed body turnbuckle is a common type of rigging for both steel wire rope sling and chain slings and is available in various size which is chosen following the size of steel wire rope سیم بکسل or the size of chain sling.

Closed body turnbuckle
Jis type turnbuckle  FlatJis type turnbuckle
Closed body turnbuckle  Closed bodyClosed body turnbuckle
Jaw and jaw turnbuckle  FlatJaw and jaw turnbuckle
Crosby eye and eye turnbuckle  FlatCrosby eye and eye turnbuckle
Green pin Turnbuckle  FlatGreen pin Turnbuckle
hook and hook turnbuckle  Flathook and hook turnbuckle
eye and hook turnbuckle  Flateye and hook turnbuckle
تکین بکسل

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Email: info [at] takinboxel [dot] ir
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