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Stainless steel master ring

Stainless steel master ringJust like any other stainless steel rigging, stainless steel master links are used along with stainless steel lifting chain or wire rope and the main purpose of using stainless steel master link is to connect legs of chain or wire rope slings in one point. stainless steel master links are produced both in round shape and pear shape and are used upon requirement. stainless steel master links are available both in inch size and mm size and are even sometimes required based on the WLL (working load limit).

Stainless steel master link are produced in 3 shapes. the most applicable shape is Oval shape stainless steel master link however based on application circle or pear shape master links may be used. among different grades of 304, 310, 312 and 316 stainless steel master links are usually produced using either G304 or G316 grade of stainless steel. both grades of stainless steel master links can bear equal loads but show different resistance against corrosive materials.

G316 stainless steel oval master link

Stainless steel 316 master link is a very important and useful type of stainless steel lifting accessories. Stainless steel 316 master link is the part of sling that all the other accessories join each other, including the connecting links, sling eyes and hooks. stainless steel master links are produced using both 304 and 316 grades of stainless steel and are available in Metric and inch sizes. Stainless steel 316 master link are usually picked based on either the WLL (working load limit) or the size of the slink parts including the stainless steel lifting chain or wire rope. both grades of Stainless steel master links 304 and 316 are highly resistant against humidity and when exposed to water but Stainless steel اتصالات استیل 316 master link has better resistance against Chlorides and rare acids. no coating is required for the smooth shinny surface of Stainless steel 316 master link since it has highly active metals such as Chrome in its compound.

Data Sheet
G316 stainless steel oval master link
SS316 D Ring Thimble  G316SS316 D Ring Thimble
SS316 Welded Delta Ring  G316SS316 Welded Delta Ring
SS316 Round Ring  G316SS316 Round Ring
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