TEL: 02155422791
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زنجیر و اتصالات اسلینگ

Wire rope and Chain rigging

Chain rigging and accessories are common mechanical tools that are mostly used for both steel wire rope and chain connections. there are many different shapes, grades and standards of wire rope and chain accessories that are together used in order to shape wire rope sling اسلینگ سیم بکسل or chain sling. Takinboxel is an Iranian distributor of all kinds of wire rope rigging in Iran.

Grades and shapes of rigging and wire rope accessories

In lifting industries usually high grades of carbon steel rigging are used that the most common one is G80 with high tensile strength. some of the wire rope accessories are only used for wire rope such as Thimble and some of the chain accessories are also used only for chain زنجیر بار فولادی such as connecting link.

Lifting chain
Lifting chain
Wire rope clip
Wire rope clip
Connecting link
Connecting link
metal sheet clamp
metal sheet clamp
Drum hook
Drum hook
تکین بکسل

TEL : 02155422791
Email: info [at] takinboxel [dot] ir
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